New Year, New Version

I'm still here, don't worry... And I've got some good news for you: thanks to my star copyeditors, who have spotted a few more typos that slipped the net, The Two Empires is now in version 1.3. If you've bought it from Amazon, make sure you've switched on automatic updates on the Manage Your Kindle page. Unfortunately I don't think it will update already-purchased versions right away, but it should happen soon.

More good news: this means that The Two Empires is now ready for print. I've submitted the new version, and a proof paperback should be on its way out to me shortly.  Exciting times!

And finally, my article about Finland seems to have gone down well. I've had a lot of good feedback about it and in fact Visit Finland decided to link to it today on Twitter. Yes, really.

I'm going to be doing some more posts like that in the future, longer reads, not necessarily just about my book, because (for those of you who haven't noticed yet) I like writing, and it makes for an interesting change. I've got a few ideas in mind, and plenty more to say about Finland, but if there are any topics you'd like to suggest then feel free to let me know via your communication platform of choice.